Explore our data

GMC Data Explorer gives you access to a wealth of data about doctors, including their registration details, fitness to practise activity, employment and training. Please note that Data Explorer does not include any data on physician associates or anaesthesia associates. 

The Register

Investigate the current make-up of the medical register, including statistics on protected characteristics. You can track the changes to the register over time, access specific data about our General Practitioner and Specialist register, and explore where doctors qualified in the UK and overseas. 

Register summary

Access data about all doctors registered with us, including GPs and Specialists and how trends have changed over time.

Register by UK map

See the split of doctors across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and by NHS region or UK postcode. 

Register by world map

Find out where UK-registered doctors qualified, from across the world, and their registration type. 


Every five years each doctor is required to demonstrate they are fit to practise and their knowledge and skills are up to date. Doctors subject to Revalidation should be connected to a designated body, and those bodies submit recommendations to us. Use this section of Data Explorer to explore the connections that doctors have to designated bodies, and the submissions those bodies make to us about doctors' revalidation. 


This report shows the number of doctors currently connected to each designated body. 


Review recommendations submitted by designated bodies and their demographic data. 

Fitness to practise

Explore our data on complaints about doctors and any investigations which follow. You can also find statistics on active and historical sanctions, broken down by the doctor's country of primary medical qualification or designated body. You can read more about the GMC's fitness to practise process on our website


Showing present and historic data on the complaints we receive, and our UK map of complaints. 

Designated bodies

Have a look at our fitness to practise data for doctors and the designated bodies they are connected to.

World map of sanctions

How many doctors from each country were involved in fitness to practise proceedings with the GMC?

Medical schools

Use these reports to examine data on UK-qualified doctors and the awarding bodies that grant primary medical qualifications. You can find data on graduates and their medical schools, their current location, registration information and more.

UK graduates

Review the numbers of graduates each year, their current registration, location and postgraduate training details.  

Medical schools map

Take a look at our map of medical schools and the total numbers of graduates from each medical school in the UK. 

Postgraduate training

We assure the quality of doctors' training and that involves us working with Postgraduate Deans' organisations, who are responsible for training doctors across the UK. This section contains data about these bodies and the doctors in postgraduate training who fall under them, the programmes they are training in and their training locations. 

Doctors moves

Use these reports to examine how far licensed doctors have moved from where they studied at medical school, or their postgraduate training provider. You can also see the regions that doctors are moving to, or from, with any UK healthcare organisation. 

Distance from training

Review the distances doctors travel from their training, and look at our current location heatmap of the UK. 

Organisation moves

This report shares the numbers and characteristics of doctors moving to, or from, any UK healthcare organisation.